Proline repair of the enamel
Proline repair of the enamel
In amphibian and animal models, the researchers compared the proline repeat. They found that when the repeats are short, such as frogs, teeth will not produce enamel prism (enamel prism), these structures are important for strong teeth. Conversely, when the protein repeats long, they will gather a series of molecules to help the growth of enamel crystals.
The findings published in the December 21, 2009 "PLoS Biology" of the online version. The study leader, said biology professor Tom Diekwisch, proline repeat is very surprising, that many natural proteins for understanding the structure and function is also very important, such as mucin (mucins), anti-freeze proteins (antifreeze proteins), amyloid protein, prion protein (prion protein) and so on.
Enamel in the growth process, will be surrounded by blocks of foam-like protein, animal protein in the different size of the bubble is not the same, from cows to mice 5 nm to 20 nm, 40 nm and frogs. The findings suggest that the longer the proline repeats, the greater the protein foam. In addition, the smaller the enamel protein crystal bubble longer.
The researchers hope these findings can help other important scientific research in the field, including neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, this discovery will help to design new or enamel, so that people can have a healthy enamel layer. |

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Time: 1st-3rd Aug 2017
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